As many of you know, in June 2016, we were blessed with the
arrival of our sweet boy, Carson Wills Hamilton. Named after my father-in-law
and my grandfather. He has brought so much joy to our lives and always keeps us
on our toes.
Not long after this, I began working out at home and absolutely LOVED
that I could accomplish so much in the four walls of our house. I literally wanted
EVERYONE I knew to know that it was possible to get in shape with a sustainable
program through Beachbody. I decided to sign up and become a “Coach” because I
wanted to help others like I had been helped. There was no formal health and
fitness training that I was required to go though, just showing up and helping
others stay accountable was the basic requirements. I’ve been passionate about
health and fitness my entire life. I’ve been on very successful sports teams
and been a state champion in two separate sports.
By the Fall, I was on a roll! I was unstoppable. I was having
daily conversations with people and really hoping to help change peoples’
lives. I had this crazy fire in my belly, but I was also dealing with a dark
cloud over my shoulder. I thought it would go away if I ate right, workout
enough, kissed my babies more. Nothing ever really helped.
October 2016, I discovered the clear news that I was battling
with postpartum depression and anxiety. This was a real blow, but also a HUGE
relief to know what was wrong. I thought postpartum happened immediately after
you had the baby. Mine didn’t rear its head until 6 months after Carson was
born. I later learned that it can happen as late as a year or more after you
have the baby.
I continued Coaching and also working my part-time job as the
Marketing and Brand Manager at Polished and of course, being a Mom of two. I
was so happy to be a part of something that really gave me permission to think
BIG! To invest in yourself with personal development and to jump even when you
are scared. Not to mention I had some amazing mentors along the way. Some I
still stay in touch with. Many who have a HUGE relationship with God and really
loved that about them. I really believe that I would not be where I am if it wasn’t
that year long experience.
But over time, I found that things were slipping. My focus had
shifted. If I am being honest, Coaching was the first thing I thought about
when I went to bed and the first thing I thought about when I got up in the
morning. I felt like it was consuming me. Now, I want to be clear about
something. I know that I have the personality to go big or go home. I tend to
go all in and set very high goals for myself. I truly believe that I gave this
business my very best and in the end, it just wasn’t my jam.
Now, along my Coaching path, I ALWAYS talked to God about this
whole side gig. “God, if you want me to continue doing this, then I will, but
if you don’t want me doing this anymore, I know you will show me something
else.” I would have little talks like this with Him daily.
I specifically remember one day early October 2017. I was
sitting in my living room and I got a reminder that my son’s sitter was closed
for a holiday. Of course, it wasn’t on my calendar and I had a million things
to do - mostly with Coaching. I got so mad that she couldn’t help me. Then I
looked at his little face and said “no more.” That day was when I decided to
let it all go. I decided to quit Beachbody Coaching.
I was very distracted from the things that should matter most;
Faith, Family and Friendships and God was telling me to hit the reset button.
I took some time to communicate with my 70+ clients and everyone
was so graceful and understanding. Stephen and I still do the workouts here at
home and have adopted a mindful and healthy lifestyle.
I knew what God was telling me in my living room that day. If I
wanted to get things straight, I needed to get to know Him a little better. It
was so clear in my heart and I remember seeing a friend of mine attend a local Bible
Study. I remember frantically texting her about how to get information.
Since October 24, 2017, Carson and I have been attending
Community Bible Study. It's located at Church of the Holy Spirit, but many women
from all kinds of churches, nationalities backgrounds attend. It's a
non-denominational Bible Study and childcare is provide..
They have Community Bible Study International (CBSI) ALL over
the world and the curriculum has been translated in over 75 languages. Pretty
I didn’t grow up going to church that consistently. I know the basic
stories, but I have never really dived and studied the Word like this. Each
Tuesday, you arrive and have fellowship, then break off into your Core group.
This is a diverse and colorful group of about +/- 12 women. You have a Core
group leader and she is there to shepherd you and keep the group on track. I
like to think of this as my “spiritual accountability group”. My group is so
special and it’s amazing to hear the different perspectives on scripture. After
the 45 minute Core group discussion is finished, we move on to the Lecture
where everyone comes back together to listen to one of the Directors re-cap and
share knowledge on the lesson. Meanwhile, the little children have their own
CBS lesson that is mirrored by the lessons the women are going over! How
amazing it that!?
Listen, I have always believed that Jesus died for us and all, but I
never really put any effort into getting to know Him like a friend.
I remember my grandmother, Charlotte, always telling me it was
important to put God first, then your other relationships....with your partner
or children. My grandparents were married over 70 years so, back in October, I
thought I would give this thought a try!
We are ALL born into a crazy, broken and sinful world.
We are ALL sinners and make mistakes every. single.
I am learning that Jesus and God are the ONLY things that will
not disappoint you in life. People will because we are only human.
It might sounds strange, but if I put ALL of my existence into other
idols like my husband, kids, job, etc., I will always end up disappointed. Not filled
up. Even they cannot fill up our hearts like God can.
Think about this....
God literally sent his one and only baby. His only child. His
baby boy. He sent this baby boy to our broken world so He could bring hope and
joy to the world. God sent Jesus so he could do this then to turn around and
take our sins away by suffering an unimaginable death.
I could not imagine.
Not with my children.
Not my baby boy.
It is unthinkable.
God LOVES us so much that he did THAT for us. WOW!
God and Jesus KNOW our suffering because they have been though
what we have. They have been through LOSS, persecution, abandonment, deception,
unimaginable pain and the list goes on....
We are never alone in our suffering because they HAVE been
though it and they are always walking with us – holding our hand.
When I sit hear and read what I am writing....THIS is why I am
curious about this man named Jesus and His Father God. I mean, he did some
pretty cool and unbelievable stuff, so why not learn a little about Him too,
Like a relationship.
Like a friendship.
God has already reached His hand down and touched us - Forgave
us. The least I can do is try to engage back with Him and get to know Him some
too. Because you know what, it FEELS GOOD knowing Him.
If you are still reading, thank you for making it his far. For what it is worth, this is where my head is at
these days and I am enjoying soaking everything in. Praying and listening for cues
while making my faith and family the priority. I honestly hope and pray that
each person reading this will one day feel what I feel.
So loved.