I don't know about you, but for YEARS I struggled with what to eat for breakfast. Cereal always left me feeling super hungry an hour later. I never really felt good after eating a cereal bar. And who has time for eggs?
For almost a year now, my go-to breakfast has been oatmeal. This is what I have 99% of the time. Except for when my husband, Stephen, creates an amazing breakfast on Saturday mornings.
Oatmeal is a solid source of protein and fiber. Did I mention that it's SUPER quick!?
Here is my collection of items to create what I consider "A Strong Breakfast for Busy Moms":
As you can see, there is TON going on here, but I promise it's QUICK!
OK, so YES, I use TWO kinds of oatmeal. Growing up we had the old school maple brown sugar oatmeal packets. For some reason I cannot let that stuff go.
So, I take one packet of the brown sugar oatmeal and combine it with a little of the regular Quaker Oats (seen in the yellow container).
I have a collection of portion control containers for food. The containers help me when I prepare my meals so I don't go overboard with my portions. This has always been a challenge for me and I find they super helpful! They are GREAT tools for success and I always keep them close by in the kitchen! The yellow one is for carbs.
As a side note, I go ahead and get the large container of oats since I go through it so quickly.
After the old school brown maple sugar is combined with the regular oats, I'll add chia seeds and flax seed!
What tha?
Flax seed has great benefits! Flax contains powerful antioxidants called lignans, which are phytochemicals (or plant chemicals) that provide many health benefits. They are metabolized by friendly bacteria is your gut, then absorbed and circulated in the blood.
Chia seeds are one of the healthiest foods on the planet! They are loaded with anti-oxidants, protein and fiber. One cool thing I learned about Chia seeds is that they derived from the Aztec Mayans and the actual word means "strength." The Aztec Mayans used to eat handfuls of these seeds before hunting and it kept them full for hours!
So yeah, if the Aztec Mayans used these little seeds for more stamina and strength, this momma needs them too!
Then to top it off, my blueberries! They add a delicious sweetness to the mixture! You see them in the first photo in that little purple container. The purple container helps portion out fruits!
This literally takes me three minutes start to finish. I am full and focused until about 10:30am - 11:00am give or take!
I will say it does take some getting used to, but for me, this is a healthy and quick way to ensure you start your day off strong!